Mental Health - How to Improve it and Support When You Need It

Mental Health - How to Improve it and Support When You Need It asked me to write a note to a friend having a tough mental health day.  Here's that post PLUS what I didn't include - my really truly frank opinions on how we can regain our brain health.  Know this - it is absolutely possible to feel better.  Read on and let me know your thoughts!

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Shifts in perception that rock our world.

There are moments that completely rock your world, turn it upside down and spit you out with a new perception forevermore. 

Like when you find out that the doctors who you entrust with your care don't actually know everything about the human body. (Like you so hoped they would.)

But similarly, there's a shift in perception that can empower us. Change our world. Change our lives...

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Body: Get those endorphins going!

Body: Get those endorphins going!

Moving the body helps our bodies and brain. 

Because when we move, endorphins (neuropeptides that are natural pain and stress relievers... I like to call them magic happy juice) start to flow through us once we do.

Here's how I got back into working out after taking a year off after my MS diagnosis.  (Complete with silly video.)

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Thoughts of Death and Unraveling Fear

Thoughts of Death and Unraveling Fear

Last week, being the week of the move from New York---a week of intense packing, extreme change---thoughts of mortality swirled. Surely because of fear, a deep, nearly hidden swirl that--when it swells--will pull anything and everything in along with it. And with it, I swirled in my mid-sleeping dreams…. 

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